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BTPN mendorong nasabahnya untuk memilih produk investasi yang sesuai dengan profil risiko

Head of Wealth Management Business and Network & Distribution Bank Tabungan Pensiunan Nasional (BTPN), Helena, has urged BTPN customers to choose investment products that align with their risk profile and investment goals in order to maintain a secure investment portfolio with optimal returns. BTPN has recently partnered with PT Manulife Aset Manajemen Indonesia (MAMI) to expand its business by launching seven Manulife mutual funds, providing investment solutions for its customers.

“With the variety of investment options from Bank BTPN and MAMI, customers can diversify their asset portfolios beyond just the Indonesian stock market, but also into the Asia Pacific market,” said Helena during a virtual press conference on Thursday.

Helena also mentioned that to minimize volatility risk, investment options in the bond and money markets are available as well.
According to Helena, MAMI offers the Manulife Dana Kas II (MDK II) Money Market Mutual Fund Class A for investors who want to maintain the value of their investments and have high liquidity. MDK II invests in high-quality money market instruments, resulting in relatively stable performance with low risk.

Furthermore, MAMI and Bank BTPN also offer three fixed income mutual funds. Manulife Pendapatan Bulanan II (MPB II) invests in short-term Indonesian government bonds, ensuring controlled volatility and providing monthly investment return distributions. MPB II is ideal for conservative or moderate investors who want to receive monthly cash flows and avoid excessive market fluctuations.

There is also the Manulife Obligasi Negara Indonesia II (MONI II) Class A, which invests in medium-term Indonesian government bonds, aiming to provide investment alternatives with competitive returns for moderate-risk investors. MONI II is suitable for investors who want to benefit from potential bond market growth with controlled risk.

There is also the Manulife USD Fixed Income (MANUFIX) Class A, which focuses on investing in short-term Indonesian government bonds (with a duration of less than three years) to maintain a stable portfolio performance with manageable volatility. MANUFIX Class A is suitable for conservative investors and can also be utilized by aggressive investors for portfolio diversification.

Manulife Dana Saham (MDS) invests in the most liquid stocks on the Indonesian stock exchange using the LQ45 index as a benchmark. Meanwhile, Manulife Saham Andalan (MSA) adopts a high conviction strategy, focusing on a bottom-up approach in selecting stocks with promising long-term fundamental prospects, using the IDX80 index as a reference. MSA is more suitable for investors with an aggressive risk profile.

For investors who want to invest in markets outside of Indonesia, Manulife Saham Syariah Asia Pasifik Dollar AS (MANSYAF) provides an opportunity to invest in leading stocks in the Asia Pacific region.

“This is part of our strategy to expand services to customers, so that BTPN customers will continue to have alternative choices that align with economic development, time progression, and potential internal developments in Indonesia leading up to the elections,” said Helena.
