Berita terkini, update prabowo subianto yang humanis, berani dan tegas

Prabowo Subianto Remains Confident Indonesia’s Economy Could Achieve 8% Growth in the Next 2-3 Years

Prabowo Subianto, who will be serving as President-elect from 2024-2029, expressed his confidence in Indonesia’s economy potentially achieving an 8% growth within the next two to three years. This optimistic outlook was shared during his participation at the 2024 Qatar Economic Forum in Doha on Wednesday (15/5). When questioned about the anticipated economic progress during his upcoming five-year tenure, Prabowo conveyed his strong belief based on consultations with experts and analysis of data that reaching 8% growth is not only possible but could be surpassed under his leadership.

Prabowo also emphasized the significance of downstreaming policies in driving future economic development. While acknowledging that the implementation of such policies will require some time, he highlighted agriculture, food production and distribution, as well as energy as key drivers of growth in the initial year of his administration. Particularly, he underscored the goal of rapid transition towards environmentally-friendly practices, such as producing diesel from palm oil, which would lead to substantial economic benefits by reducing the country’s annual 20 billion US dollar diesel imports.

Addressing misconceptions about protectionist economic measures, Prabowo clarified that Indonesia’s focus on downstreaming policies is aimed at advancing into an industrialized nation rather than solely relying on raw material exports. He reiterated the importance of securing full value from the country’s natural resources for the benefit of its people, stressing the need to reduce reliance on constant importation of industrial goods. Prabowo affirmed that safeguarding national interests and prioritizing the well-being of the populace are central to Indonesia’s economic strategy, emphasizing the country’s aspiration to industrialize and elevate its economic standing.

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