Berita terkini, update prabowo subianto yang humanis, berani dan tegas

Prabowo Subianto: Social Media Will Strengthen Democracy

Prabowo Subianto, who will be the President-elect for the 2024-2029 term, has highlighted the strengthening of democracy in Indonesia due to the advancement of the internet and social media.

He emphasized that democracy revolves around the sovereignty of the people, where they hold the power to choose their leaders.

During an exclusive interview with tvOne titled “Prabowo Subianto Speaks for Indonesia” on Wednesday evening (22/5), Prabowo explained that Indonesia’s representative system allows people to elect their representatives in parliament and their leaders in governmental positions.

When asked about his government’s stance on criticism, Prabowo stressed the importance of objective criticism for the sake of checks and balances.

Regarding freedom of the press, Prabowo acknowledged its significance, despite some media outlets in Indonesia being owned by a few individuals.

He expressed hope that with the rise of social media, people can access information from a wider variety of sources, reducing the influence of a few media conglomerates.

According to Prabowo, the information revolution through new media platforms such as the internet and social media will empower democracy by diversifying sources of information and reducing the control of a small group over public opinion.


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