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The Legacy and Insights of Diplomacy in the Prabowo Era from Prof. Sumitro Djojohadikusumo

What Will Indonesia’s Foreign Diplomacy Look Like in the Era of President Prabowo Subianto?

Anticipated to follow in his father’s footsteps, President-elect Prabowo Subianto is expected to inherit and implement many of Prof. Sumitro Djojohadikusumo’s diplomatic strategies.

This strategy focuses on utilizing the power of narrative and kinship to enhance Indonesia’s soft power.

Although primarily known as an economist, Prof. Sumitro also had a significant impact as a diplomat.

One notable example of Prof. Sumitro’s diplomatic skill was documented in a New York Times article.

Prof. Sumitro’s plea to the U.S. Government, published in the New York Times on December 21, 1948, effectively stopped American aid funds from flowing to the Netherlands for military operations following Indonesia’s Declaration of Independence on August 17, 1945.

In his plea, Prof. Sumitro wrote:

“The present Dutch military campaign has most unfortunately brought into horrible realization apprehensions that were carried for some time in the minds of all well-meaning people. In the modern history of nations only Signor Mussolini’s stab in the back in 1940 and Japan’s sudden attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941 could stand the comparison of this reprehensible Dutch act without warning.”

“There is no other alternative for the Republic of Indonesia than to lead its own life and carry on to the best of its abilities as a separate independent and sovereign state.”

“We respectfully but urgently request the United States Government to discontinue rendering American dollars to the Netherlands under the European Recovery Program or otherwise.”

At that time, Sumitro Djojohadikusumo, Prabowo Subianto’s father, was serving as the Acting Head of the Indonesian Delegation to the United Nations.

Following World War II, the Netherlands was financially struggling and relied on American aid under the Marshall Plan, which was misused for military purposes in Indonesia.

Tasked by President Sukarno, Sumitro successfully halted the American funds supporting Dutch colonial ambitions in Indonesia at just 31 years old.

Through his lobbying efforts in Washington and at the United Nations, Sumitro convinced U.S. officials to cut off aid to the Netherlands, leading to negotiations and Indonesia’s independence recognition.

Sumitro’s diplomatic skills and international connections, combined with his young age, were crucial in securing Indonesia’s independence.

President Sukarno later appointed Sumitro as Indonesia’s Ambassador to the United States at the age of 33.

@Dirgayuza’s Notes

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