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“Pesan Emosional Anak Sekolah di Depok untuk Prabowo Subianto: Harapan dan Doa”

Elementary school students in Depok have shown their appreciation for the Free Nutritious Meal Programme (MBG) by leaving heartfelt messages for Indonesian President Prabowo Subianto. These messages, written on the meal boxes provided as part of the programme, convey the students’ gratitude for this initiative. Regita, a grade 3 student, expressed her thanks for the programme as it helped her save her pocket money. Other students like Aliya and Alenna also expressed their love and appreciation for Prabowo in their messages.

The MBG programme, which is a flagship initiative of President Prabowo Subianto, has been rolled out in various locations across Indonesia to provide free nutritious meals to those in need. The programme is overseen by the Nutrition Fulfilment Service Unit (SPPG) to ensure the quality and sustainability of the food provided. In order to promote long-term sustainability, the government has chosen stainless steel food containers that are hygienic and reusable. This initiative not only benefits the students but also contributes to uplifting the community by providing nutritious meals to those who require assistance.