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The Leadership Qualities Displayed by My Senior Colleagues (Part 2)


One important lesson I learned from Pak Himawan Soetanto is the need for a commander to be in close proximity to his soldiers. It is crucial for a commander to be present with his soldiers from morning until night, checking on their well-being and conditions. Thanks to Pak Himawan, I have developed a habit of paying attention to even the smallest details of my soldiers’ daily lives, such as the state of their kitchen, bathroom, and even their underwear. By closely inspecting these areas, I was able to uncover corrupt practices within the unit, such as the rationing of one kilogram of meat for 16 people, resulting in what was known as ‘razor meat’.

During my time at AKABRI in 1970, Pak Himawan Soetanto served as the Deputy Governor in charge of education and training. He was a well-educated individual who could speak multiple languages fluently, including English, Dutch, and even a bit of Japanese. He had a passion for reading history books and often engaged in discussions about various historical figures and military strategies with me. His neat appearance, friendly demeanor, and extensive combat experience left a lasting impression on me.

One of the key values that I learned from Pak Himawan Soetanto was the importance of a commander being actively involved with his soldiers. Leaders who spend time with their troops on the ground are more effective in leading them, compared to those who remain distant and rigid. By adapting regulations to suit the needs of the unit, commanders can better address the unique challenges they face. Pak Himawan’s practical leadership style left a lasting impact on me and shaped my approach to leadership.

Lieutenant General Himawan Soetanto was a highly respected figure in the military and a mentor to many, including myself. His commitment to serving his soldiers and leading by example set him apart as a true leader. Even after his retirement, he continued to inspire and guide those around him, earning the respect and admiration of all who knew him.


General Sarwo Edhie Wibowo was a charismatic leader who led by example and inspired those around him. As the commander of the Special Forces Unit (RPKAD), he was actively involved in operations and earned the admiration of cadets and young officers. His dedication to the nation and legacy of patriotism instilled in us a sense of pride and duty as cadets of AKABRI.

I first met General Sarwo Edhie during my time as a cadet, where he served as a mentor and role model to me. Known for his courage, good looks, and impeccable leadership style, he was a legendary figure in the military. His commitment to leading from the front and sharing his experiences with cadets left a lasting impact on me and instilled in me the spirit of perseverance and patriotism.

After his retirement, General Sarwo Edhie continued to serve the nation as the Indonesian Ambassador to South Korea and Chairman of the Supervisory Body for the Implementation of Pancasila Values (BP7). His legacy as a soldier of integrity and honesty was reflected in his modest lifestyle and dedication to his principles. His influence extended beyond his military career, as seen in the successful marriages of his daughters to distinguished AKMIL graduates, showcasing his commitment to the values of the military and the nation.


I had the honor of engaging in discussions with one of the key figures of the ’45 generation, Grand General Abdul Haris Nasution, a prominent figure in Indonesia’s fight for independence. His wealth of knowledge in guerrilla warfare strategies, experiences against the Dutch, and deep understanding of history left a profound impact on me. He was a remarkable individual, much like his contemporaries from the ’45 generation, known for their expertise in various languages and historical events.

Meeting Pak Nas face-to-face felt like being a student in the presence of a historical giant. He generously shared his experiences and insights with me, providing valuable lessons and perspectives on military strategies and historical events. His profound knowledge and passion for history inspired me to delve deeper into the subject and learn from the experiences of past leaders. Pak Nas’s contributions to Indonesia’s history and his dedication to the nation’s independence are a testament to his enduring legacy as a respected military leader and historical figure.

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