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Leadership Qualities Exhibited by My Seniors (Part 3)


A leader must be among his men, and that was where Pak Soegito always was. He was always involved in operations along with his troops, leading by example. Pak Soegito is known for his dedication to his men and his willingness to share the same hardships and risks as them.

I first got to know Pak Soegito during a military operation where he was leading a group of soldiers. His hands-on approach and presence in the field left a lasting impression on me. As a leader, he was always calm and collected, never showing signs of panic or nervousness, setting an example of self-control and composure for his men to follow.

Pak Soegito’s leadership style was strict but fair. He demanded excellence from his troops and would not accept any excuses for subpar performance. However, he also took the time to train and guide his men, ensuring that they were well-prepared for any challenges they may face on the battlefield.

One of the most valuable lessons I learned from Pak Soegito was the importance of being prepared for the unexpected. He instilled in his men a sense of discipline and readiness, knowing that in the chaos and uncertainty of the battlefield, being calm and focused could mean the difference between success and failure.

In conclusion, Pak Soegito exemplifies the qualities of a strong and effective leader – dedication, self-control, discipline, and a willingness to lead from the front. His leadership has had a significant impact on those who had the privilege to serve under him, shaping them into capable and resilient soldiers.

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