Berita terkini, update prabowo subianto yang humanis, berani dan tegas

Leadership of Indonesian National Leader: President Sukarno

One of the knights who courageously fought foreign invaders in Indonesia’s history is the first President, Bung Karno. Born in Surabaya in 1901, Bung Karno founded the Indonesian National Party at the young age of 26 in 1927. His writings inspired nationalism among the Indonesian people, leading to his arrest by the Dutch in 1929 and imprisonment in Banceuy and later Sukamiskin prison. Despite being exiled to Ende from 1938 to 1942, Bung Karno actively worked towards Indonesia’s independence, formulating Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution.

President Sukarno’s courage in proclaiming Indonesia’s independence on August 17, 1945, was a significant event. Despite having little resources and facing the Allied Forces, President Sukarno bravely declared Indonesia’s independence, inciting an uprising against the foreign powers. Another pivotal moment was President Sukarno’s decision to found Indonesia based on Pancasila at the BPUPKI session on June 1, 1945, ensuring that the newly independent state would cater to everyone regardless of religion, ethnicity, or social class.

Even though Professor Soemitro, a long-time political opponent of Bung Karno, disagreed with his views on communism and the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI), he acknowledged Bung Karno’s greatness as a leader. Despite their differences, Pak Soemitro recognized Bung Karno’s ability to unite the diverse Indonesian population for a common goal of independence. Pak Soemitro’s regrets about leaving Bung Karno’s side later in life highlighted the importance of flexibility and respect among the ’45 Generation, regardless of opposing views.

Prabowo Subianto’s personal experiences with Bung Karno, including a childhood memory of being lifted up by the tall and charismatic President, reflect the admiration and respect he holds for Indonesia’s first President. Through the lessons learned from Bung Karno’s leadership and his ability to unite Indonesia, Prabowo Subianto emphasizes the importance of flexibility, respect, and unity in achieving national goals.

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